Statistics …

* 85% of North Americans are now connected to the Internet.
(Approx. 50% on Smart Phones)

* Of that 93% use search engines at least once per day.

* Of those anywhere between 70% and 90% use Google on a daily basis.

* Of the North Americans who are online and use Google daily, 75% of those don’t leave the first page of Google results and 70% pick a result in the top 3.

* What does this mean? Your Website needs to rank in the top 3 lines of Google to reach the most eyes on a daily basis.

The most cost effective way and cheapest in the long term
is to advertise with Search Engine Optimization. (SEO)

Recent stats show, that approx. 12.5 BILLION Searches
are performed in Canada on Google every Year.


Out of the 12.5 Billion Searches Yearly, about 8 Billion of the searches were performed on Mobile Devices! This is why it is key that you have a website and it is “Responsive”, and take advantage of these 8 Billion Viewers!

